Privacy Statement
As required by law, our privacy policy outlines how we maintain and protect confidential personal information in regards to protecting your privacy and nonpublic information.
Personal Information:
As part of our advisory relationship, it is imperative clients feel comfortable sharing personal information. As your investment advisor, PWM will collect the following information in order to fulfill our legal and regulatory requirements: name, address, social security number, assets and income. Additional information regarding your personal finances, personal circumstances as well as any brokerage statements you authorize PWM to review.
Information Disclosure:
PWM WILL NOT disclose personal information without your authorization or permission, except as required by law. PWM will not disclose information on clients or former clients to non-affiliated third parties without permission unless required by law.
Confidentiality and Security:
PWM protect client’s personal information by limiting access to only those employees who need access to perform business services. PWM works continuously to educate employees on the importance of security and protecting private, personal information. If any change are made to our privacy policy, we will readily make that information available to our clients as well as post an update on our website.
Any personal information submitted by you on this Site is maintained in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please carefully review our Privacy Policy – Pugh Wealth Management, LLC.
Buckingham Strategic Wealth: Form CRS
Form CRS (Client Relationship Summary) is a uniform disclosure document prescribed by the SEC; it is intended to enhance investor protection by providing succinct and relevant information to retail investors, thus enabling comparability between broker-dealers and investment advisers. The Form CRS is intended to inform retail investors about:
- The types of client and customer relationships and services the firm offers;
- The fees, costs, conflicts of interest, and required standard of conduct associated with those relationships and services;
- Whether the firm and its financial professionals currently have reportable legal or disciplinary history; and
- How to obtain additional information about the firm
- Encourage a dialogue to ask questions (Conversation Starters).
Please click this link to access BUCKINGHAM-STRATEGIC-WEALTH-FORM-CRS.
If you have any questions about the Form CRS or would like physical copy of the document, please contact